
Fishing in the dark broken bow
Fishing in the dark broken bow

fishing in the dark broken bow

At that point, you don't even have to think about broken lines anymore, and you pull up huge fish several times per session of fishing on a regular basis. If you stick with that long enough (it takes a LONG time-more than 100 days unless you ONLY fish for food, no or very little hunting), you'll eventually reach level 5. You'll almost never break a line, you'll catch huge fish all the time, and often get 3-4k calories in 3 hours of fishing.


It takes quite some time to get from level 3 to level 4, but once you do that, you can basically fish like a pro for the rest of the game. You'll start catching fish more often, and also bigger fish more often than before. Once you get to level 3, you'll hardly ever break a fishing line. You can get from level 2 to level 3 fishing skill fairly quickly using this approach a couple times.

fishing in the dark broken bow

The best thing to do is stock up on firewood as best you can and live in a fishing hut for 3-4 days (or however long you can manage) and just fish, cook, eat, boil water, rest, repeat. Once you've got level 2 fishing skill, you've got a decent chance of not having lines break very often. The fish in mystery lake seem to be more reliable, and for sure they are a better return on the fishing investment because you get more calories/fish AND more calories/hour of fishing on the small fish, and the big fish don't become reliable until you get at least level 4 fishing skill no matter which map you're playing in. When I moved from CH to ML on my first fishing-only interloper game, it got at least 40% easier immediately (not even counting the wolves or weather-which both got easier as well). The smaller varieties of fish are far less rewarding calorie-wise, less reliable, and there are more wovles to avoid that are also harder to avoid than the ones on mystery lake.Ĭoho salmon seem like the ultimate fish for a fishing-based playstyle, but I found that not to be the case at all. In my opinion after fishing A TON over multiple interloper games, both of those maps are much worse than mystery lake for fishing on interloper. On stalker, a great home base for fishing (or hunting for that matter) is jackrabbit island or various other spots in CH/DP. The best spots to fish in interloper are ALL in mystery lake (and surprisingly the fishing hut in PV as well-but there's no good home base close to that one). You also have to select a good fishing location, and I see a lot of people on the forums making a mistake in this area. Finding fishing books on interloper is pretty easy, I often find 2 (there's almost always a fishing skill book in one of the cabins around mystery lake or out on the front porch). What I learned is that fishing goes generally not so well until you get to level 2 fishing skill (read one book to accomplish that). I've done a LOT of fishing the last month or so on my 3 100+ day interloper runs where I did fishing-only as my playstyle.

Fishing in the dark broken bow